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A Voyage of Healing & Self Discovery



Healing for Anyone

Akashawa is a Zibu angelic symbol for healing, which is my purpose in life. I will help you reach your full potential through energy healing, meditation, and life coaching. With my experience as an Integrated Soul Activation (ISA) Energy Clearing Practitioner, ISA Money Light Codes Practitioner, Master Life Coach, and Healer, I can help you get where you want to go with your mindset and with the outward energy you give to the Universe.

Image by Who’s Denilo ?

Friends of Akashawa

Feedback From Our Clients


I received a money code healing from Dori.  During the guided meditation, Dori made me feel calm and open to receiving her gift.  Once we were done, she took the time to make sure I was fully back in myself and reminded of the importance of hydrating after such intense energy work.  She truly cares for her client’s well being!  Several hours later, I received an offer on some items I’d been trying to sell for months, to no avail!  Since then, almost a week later, things that I’ve posted to sell are gone almost as soon as I get them listed!  It’s fantastic!  

UPDATE 04/14/2021:  Just a further confirmation that what we did the other day worked!  I stopped in at a casino in OK on my way home from visiting a friend.  I RARELY win but I enjoy the lights and sounds.  I went to a machine I honestly thought was pretty.  I bet $1.20.  On the third time around, I hit a bonus and won $189!!!  Thank you so much!!

Sara O.


This experience was pretty amazing for me.  My journey is really just beginning, and I have had some struggles with meditation, however other than the few attempts by my guides to gain control, I was able to get through to the point of total relaxation.  As Dori had me connect to Earth, I felt warmth move up throughout my body.  As she had me connect to spirit, warmth began to move through the top of my head down.  With each of the codes she added I felt heavier and heavier until it felt like someone was pushing down on my shoulders (this is where I carry my tension).  In the middle (I don’t recall which code it was because at this point I was pretty deeply meditated) I began to feel clogged in my sinus and throat.  So much so that I started feeling a bit choked.  Had to pause for a drink of water and boy did I drink the water.  Finally, at the end when she had me release the negative and toxic beliefs, I could feel the heaviness lifting off my shoulders and my entire body getting lighter and lighter.  When I was back to full awareness I realized I had tears and a smile.  I felt happier, lighter, less stress, and feelings of positive outcomes in my future.  This experience was enjoyable, I feel a difference, and look forward to the rewards of not stressing about financial circumstances in the future.

Thank you, Dori.  

Nyoka M.


I highly recommend Dori’s ISA Energy Clearing.  She is one of the few pracitioners who can run strong energy modalities and also ground it physically into the body at the same time.  I have had the pleasure of her clearing for me several times and every time I have felt utterly at peace, relaxed and grounded, as if I had been on holiday for a month.  Her service is priceless and will really help you release difficult emotions and beliefs.  Thank you Dori.  ♥

Liv R. 


Springfield, MO


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